Question 225: Are the fallen angels the gods of today? If so, does this shed light on humankind always worshipping in all cultures? Do they have power?

Question 225: Are the fallen angels the gods of today? If so, does this shed light on humankind always worshipping in all cultures? Do they have power?

Answer: The answer to this question is one that all believers need to know. C S Lewis in his famous Screwtape Letters stated, “There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall into about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. They themselves (the devils) are equally pleased by both errors.” 

Fallen angels do exist (Luke 10:17-18) and they can interfere in our lives (Ephesians 6:12). Fallen angels are beings who decided to follow their leader, Lucifer, later known as Satan, in a rebellion against God (Jude 1:6; Revelation 12:9). About one third of the angels rebelled and were cast out of Heaven (Revelation 12:4). When the angels rebelled their fate was set, they will face eternal punishment and torment (2 Peter 2:4). Because they, the fallen angels, have no hope of salvation their mission is to take as many human beings as possible with them into the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:10).

Angels are mentioned over 300 times in the Bible. They are glorious and powerful creatures created slightly above human beings (Psalms 8:5). But they are God’s servants carrying out His will and ministering to God’s people. When they reveal themselves to people, they almost aways state, “Do not be afraid!” We do not know why one third of them rebelled with Satan, but it is speculated that when Lucifer received his assignment from God that his job was to minister to human beings, since he was a glorious creature, he may have taken his assignment like a proud and gifted human being might have difficulty accepting his lifelong job assignment to serve and care for a multitude of rats. His pride caused him to rebel against Almighty God. The Devil and his demon’s fate is certain, at the Judgment, they will be sent to the Lake of Fire which was created for them (Matthew 25:41).

Satan does have power, but not ultimate power. We are not operating in a dualist system in which we have two equal powers fighting for ultimate control. I heard a pastor once state that “God votes for us and Satan votes against us, and our vote makes a difference.” I met with that pastor a few days later and he was persuaded that he was absolutely wrong. God is Sovereign over all. There is not a loose molecule in all the universe, God is in total control over every single molecule (Colossians 1:16-17). However, He has given Satan a lot of control, but Satan can only do what God allows him to do.  Satan requested permission to afflict Job (Job 1:12). Satan requested permission to sift Peter (Luke 22:31-32). However, Satan can possess a person who does not have a relationship with Jesus Christ. But Satan and his demons cannot possess a genuine believer in Jesus Christ because the Holy Spirit indwells them (1 John 4:4).

God has created us to worship Him and Him only. If a person does not worship Almighty God, he or she will worship someone or something created. In other words, every human being will worship God, the creator, or something He created. If a person does not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, they will worship someone or something that was created by God. Satan will do all in his limited power to get us to worship the creation. Our most complete biblical defense against our enemy is covered in Ephesians 6: 10-20. Paul teaches us to stand firm in understanding our identity in Christ, put on Christ’s righteousness, remind ourselves of the gospel, share the gospel with others, remember our salvation and God’s faithfulness, make sure our minds are saturated in the bible and be committed to bold prayer.

God, in his loving sovereignty has promised us that he will use whatever happens to us for our ultimate good (Romans 8:28). That means that He will bring good out of whatever He allows Satan to do to us.